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Planning and Development Committee


Meeting #:
Council Chambers or Electronic Participation
Municipal Administrative Centre
40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor
Bowmanville, Ontario
Members Present:
  • Mayor A. Foster, 
  • Councillor G. Anderson, 
  • Councillor S. Elhajjeh, 
  • Councillor L. Rang, 
  • Councillor C. Traill, 
  • Councillor W. Woo, 
  • and Councillor M. Zwart 
Staff Present:
  • M. Dempster, 
  • J. Newman, 
  • L. Turcotte, 
  • L. Backus, 
  • A. Tapp, 
  • K. Richardson, 
  • L. Reck, 
  • D. Lyons, 
  • and J. MacLean 

Councillor Anderson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Mayor Foster joined later in the meeting at 5:44 p.m.

Councillor Zwart led the meeting in the Land Acknowledgement Statement.

There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting.

Members of Committee announced upcoming community events and matters of community interest.

Daniel Segal, Segal Construction, was present via electronic means regarding Municipal Housing Developments. Daniel stated that they are requesting that funding be allocated in capital budgets for attainable home ownership programs. D. Segal provided an overview of their concept, which is to partner with the municipality to build and sell attainable homes at a lower price. Daniel stated that they would work with Staff to determine what zoning by-law amendment requirements are needed in order to increase density. D. Segal concluded by stating that the concept is a viable solution to the housing crisis and requested that Committee either pass a motion or refer the matter to staff. Daniel answered questions from Members of Committee.

  • Resolution #PD-069-24
    Moved byCouncillor Zwart
    Seconded byCouncillor Traill

    That the Delegation of Daniel Segal, Segal Construction, Regarding Municipal Housing Development, be referred to Staff.


Daniel Gibbons, CEO, Shared Tower Inc., was present regarding Report CAO-006-24 - Clarington Cellular Service Enhancement Project. Daniel provided an overview of Shared Tower Inc., noting that they work to address connectivity challenges by building host towers for cellular networks. D. Gibbons stated that they look for a more strategic approach to increase connectivity. Daniel outlined the other municipalities they work with and explained they have worked with Staff to identify municipal properties for the towers. D. Gibbons answered questions from Members of Committee.

  • Alter the Agenda

    Resolution #PD-070-24
    Moved byCouncillor Traill
    Seconded byCouncillor Elhajjeh

    That the Agenda be altered to consider Item 7.1, Report CAO-006-24, at this time.

  • Resolution #PD-071-24
    Moved byCouncillor Elhajjeh
    Seconded byCouncillor Rang

    That Report CAO-006-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received;

    That Staff be directed to negotiate an agreement with Shared Tower Inc. for the construction and operation of telecommunication towers at Fire Station 1, Fire Station 3, and South Courtice Arena as identified in Report CAO-006-24;

    That Staff be directed to negotiate an agreement with Shared Tower Inc. for the construction and operation of a telecommunications antenna / tower system to support addressing cellular coverage gaps in north Bowmanville, subject to identifying an appropriate Municipally owned property location;

    That the CAO be delegated the authority to execute the agreements or any other required documents, in a form satisfactory to the Deputy CAO, Legislative Services / Solicitor;

    That Staff be directed to support Shared Tower Inc. in seeking the necessary carrier agreements to advance licensing and construction of the antenna systems as quickly as possible;

    That Staff report back to Council on the results of engagement with the Boards of the Solina Community Hall and Tyrone Community Centre as identified in Report CAO-006-24; and

    That all interested parties listed in Report CAO-006-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision.

  • Councillor Anderson left the Chair.

    Councillor Zwart chaired this portion of the meeting.

    Mayor Foster joined the meeting.

    Resolution #PD-072-24
    Moved byCouncillor Anderson
    Seconded byCouncillor Traill

    Whereas the Municipality of Clarington is geographically the largest Municipality in the Region of Durham; and 

    Whereas stable and reliable cell phone service is vital community infrastructure akin to roads and other utilities, particularly from an emergency management standpoint; and

    Whereas cellular service is not a municipal responsibility, but Clarington has stepped up to assist in rectifying the problem and will continue to treat cellular as an essential service; and

    Whereas the Official Plan is a visionary document that can be used to promote and encourage the telecommunication industry to provide further opportunities to improve connectivity throughout Clarington.

    Now therefore be it resolved that:

    That Staff be directed through the Official Plan Review and ongoing Secondary Plan program to explore opportunities to promote and encourage cellular connectivity throughout Clarington; and

    Further that, should additional cellular infrastructure be required, Staff are directed to advise proponents about the option to utilize municipal lands as facilities for potential installation of equipment.

    Yes (7)Mayor Foster, Councillor Anderson, Councillor Traill, Councillor Zwart, Councillor Rang, Councillor Elhajjeh, and Councillor Woo
    Carried on a recorded vote (7 to 0)
  • Councillor Anderson chaired this portion of the meeting.

    Resolution #PD-073-24
    Moved byCouncillor Elhajjeh
    Seconded byCouncillor Rang

    That all Items listed in Section 6, be approved on consent, in accordance with the Agenda.

  • Resolution #PD-074-24

    That Report PDS-041-24 and any related delegations or communication items, be received;

    That the Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted by 1494339 Ontario Limited be approved with minor modifications and the By-law contained in Attachment 1 to Report PDS-041-24 be approved;

    That the application for Draft Plan of Subdivision S-C-2022-0001 submitted by 1494339 Ontario Limited be supported, subject to the conditions approved by the Deputy CAO of Planning and Infrastructure Services;

    That once all conditions contained in the Clarington Official Plan and Zoning By-law 84-63 with respect to the removal of the (H) Holding Symbol and the conditions of the Subdivision and Site Plan are satisfied, the By-law authorizing the removal of the (H) Hold Symbol be approved by the Deputy CAO of Planning and Infrastructure Services;

    That the Region of Durham Planning and Economic Development Department and Municipal Property Assessment Corporation be forwarded a copy of Report PDS-041-24 and Council’s decision; and

    That all interested parties and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision.

  • Resolution #PD-075-24

    That Report PDS-042-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received;

    That Council approve the relocation of the Lambert House to a different location on the Hospital property, 47 Liberty Street, Bowmanville, as demonstrated on the conceptual site plan;

    That the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) and Conservation Management Plan (CMP) prepared by Vincent J. Santamaura, Architect Inc., be accepted and adopted (Attachment 1);

    That the recommendations outlined in the CMP be implemented, including but not limited to:

      1. Relocate the Lambert House and mothballing,
      2. Restore the exterior elevation,
      3. Install protective measures around the Lambert House to protect its heritage attributes during redevelopment of the Hospital; and
      4. Renovate the building to upgrade the building to the current building standards;

    That the Lambert House be designated under Section 29, Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act following the relocation and restoration, and completion of the hospital construction in accordance with the Clarington Heritage Committee’s Motion 24.38 and recommendations from the HIA; and

    That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-042-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision.

  • Resolution #PD-076-24

    That Report PDS-043-24, and any related delegations or communication items, be received;

    That Report PDS-043-24 be adopted as the Municipality of Clarington’s comments to the Province on matters of transition to the new Provincial Planning Statement, 2024 (ERO Posting No. 019-9065);

    That Report PDS-043-24 be adopted as the Municipality of Clarington’s comments to the Province on proposed Ontario Regulation 299/19 (Additional Residential Units) (ERO Posting No. 019-9210);

    That a copy of Report PDS-043-24 and Council’s decision be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Region of Durham, conservation authorities, and the other Durham Region area municipalities; and

    That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-043-24, and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision.

  • Recess

    Resolution #PD-077-24
    Moved byCouncillor Traill
    Seconded byCouncillor Elhajjeh

    That the Committee recess until 6:30 p.m.


    The meeting reconvened at 6:30 p.m. with Councillor Anderson in the Chair.

Janice Jones was present in opposition to the application. Janice expressed concerns regarding the height increase from 12 to 25 storeys, traffic, and transit availability. J. Jones stated that the area is not within a major transit area. Janice added that Courtice Road is dangerous for active transportation and questioned if bike lanes would be added. J. Jones explained the need to expand community services, including schools and day care. Janice stated that the develop will impact Emergency and Fire Services and health care. J. Jones noted that the highest storey building in Courtice is 6 storeys.

  • Suspend the Rules

    Resolution #PD-078-24
    Moved byCouncillor Traill
    Seconded byCouncillor Elhajjeh

    That the Rules of Procedure be suspended to extend the delegation of Janice Jones for an additional 3 minutes.


    Janice requested that Committee decline the application as 25 storeys is a fit for Courtice. J. Jones stated that the design is architecturally pleasing and answered questions from Members of Committee.

    Lisa Klets, Junior Planner, DG Biddle and Associates was present on behalf of the landowners to the West of the proposal. Lisa stated they have no objections to the application and requested coordination with the applicant and Staff, for the alignment of roads and functionality of both the sites.

    Ian Franklin, KLM Planning Partners, was present on behalf of the owners of the subject lands. Ian provided an overview of the location and context, preliminary statistics, and park land area. I. Franklin outlined the existing Official Plan designation, zoning, and proposed zoning by-law amendment. Ian answered questions from Members of Committee.

  • Resolution #PD-079-24
    Moved byCouncillor Elhajjeh
    Seconded byCouncillor Zwart

    That Report PSD-044-24 and any related communication items, be received for information only;

    That Staff receive and consider comments from the public, review agencies, and Council with respect to the Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision applications submitted by KLM Planning Partners on behalf of 2056421 Ontario Inc., and continue processing the applications including the preparation of a subsequent recommendations report; and

    That all interested parties listed in Report PSD-044-24 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision.


Daivd Oshier was present in opposition to the application. D. Oshier stated that they live on Champine Square, beside the development, and expressed concerns regarding quiet enjoyment, number of parking spaces and traffic. David added that the commercial businesses will have no parking for their customers. D. Oshier answered questions from Members of Committee.

Kevin Boricic was present in opposition to the application. Kevin stated that they live on Champine Square and expressed concerns with regarding the look of the development and traffic. K. Boricic noted that less storeys would be more suitable.

Mariyah Wars was present in opposition to the application. Mariyah explained that there is no clear plan for green infrastructure, innovation and sustainability. M. Wars expressed the importance of strengthening existing infrastructure before growth as all new developments put immense pressure on schools, parks, health care, and grocery stores. 

Scott Turnbull was present in opposition to the application. Scott explained that the original plan was supposed to be a strip mall, which residents were looking forward to. S. Turnbull expressed concerns regarding traffic, safety, lack of infrastructure including gas stations, and school capacity. Scott questioned whether the development will be rentals or for ownership.

Mayor Foster left the meeting at 7:43 p.m.

Cameron Sellers, IPS Innovative Planning Solutions, was present on behalf of the owners. Cameron provided the background of the consulting team and Cortel Group. C. Sellers outlined the site and surrounding context and the development concept, noting that the homes are for ownership not rental. Cameron explained the design considerations and landscape plans. C. Sellars provided an overview of the Official Plan designation, Official Plan amendment, zoning, and Zoning By-law amendment. Cameron outlined the required studies, traffic analysis, servicing analysis, and a shadow study. C. Sellars outlined the applicable planning policies and public open house comments. Cameron stated that the development provides needed housing at the intersection of 2 higher order transportation corridors, in an area of current and future growth in Bowmanville. Cameron, and John Northcote, JD Engineering, and Greg Raspin, SRN Architects Inc. answered questions from Members of Committee.

  • Resolution #PD-080-24
    Moved byCouncillor Elhajjeh
    Seconded byCouncillor Rang

    That Report PDS-045-24 and any related communication items, be received for information only;

    That Staff receive and consider comments from the public, review agencies, and Council with respect to the Clarington Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-Law Amendment applications submitted by Innovative Planning Solutions on behalf of Eiram Development and continue processing the applications including the preparation of a subsequent recommendations report; and

    That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-045-24 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision.


Karel Fennema was present in opposition to the application. Karel expressed concerns regarding the height, removal of forested area, lack of sunlight, traffic congestion, and water runoff. K. Fennema noted that they had a rat infestation with the development at 1505 Bowmanville Avenue and is concerned it will get worse with the new development. Karel answered questions from Members of Committee.

Helena Whittington was present in opposition to the application. Helena stated they live on Trewin Lane and expressed concerns regarding traffic, transit times, parking, overflow of schools, and affordable housing. H. Whittington questioned who is responsible if the retaining wall shifts and if there is easy-to-read documentation for the public regarding the application. Helena answered questions from Members of Committee.

Rose Watkins was present in opposition to the application. Rose noted that they have lived on Trewin Lane for 31 years and expressed concerns regarding removal of the mature trees, drainage, changes to the environment, and parking. R. Watkins suggested townhomes over high-rise buildings instead. Rose answered questions from Members of Committee.

Christian Jattan, Senior Planner, GHD was present on behalf of the applicant. Christian outlined the location and context, site plan, landscape plan, 3D renderings, and answered questions from Members of Committee.

  • Resolution #PD-081-24
    Moved byCouncillor Rang
    Seconded byCouncillor Traill

    That Report PDS-046-24 and any related communication items, be received for information only;

    That Staff receive and consider comments from the public and Council with respect to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications; and

    That all interested parties listed in Report PDS-046-24 and any delegations be advised of Council’s decision.


    The Public Meeting concluded at 9:05 p.m.

  • Resolution #PD-082-24
    Moved byCouncillor Elhajjeh
    Seconded byCouncillor Traill

    That the meeting adjourn at 9:06 p.m.
