Daivd Oshier was present in opposition to the application. D. Oshier stated that they live on Champine Square, beside the development, and expressed concerns regarding quiet enjoyment, number of parking spaces and traffic. David added that the commercial businesses will have no parking for their customers. D. Oshier answered questions from Members of Committee.
Kevin Boricic was present in opposition to the application. Kevin stated that they live on Champine Square and expressed concerns with regarding the look of the development and traffic. K. Boricic noted that less storeys would be more suitable.
Mariyah Wars was present in opposition to the application. Mariyah explained that there is no clear plan for green infrastructure, innovation and sustainability. M. Wars expressed the importance of strengthening existing infrastructure before growth as all new developments put immense pressure on schools, parks, health care, and grocery stores.
Scott Turnbull was present in opposition to the application. Scott explained that the original plan was supposed to be a strip mall, which residents were looking forward to. S. Turnbull expressed concerns regarding traffic, safety, lack of infrastructure including gas stations, and school capacity. Scott questioned whether the development will be rentals or for ownership.
Mayor Foster left the meeting at 7:43 p.m.
Cameron Sellers, IPS Innovative Planning Solutions, was present on behalf of the owners. Cameron provided the background of the consulting team and Cortel Group. C. Sellers outlined the site and surrounding context and the development concept, noting that the homes are for ownership not rental. Cameron explained the design considerations and landscape plans. C. Sellars provided an overview of the Official Plan designation, Official Plan amendment, zoning, and Zoning By-law amendment. Cameron outlined the required studies, traffic analysis, servicing analysis, and a shadow study. C. Sellars outlined the applicable planning policies and public open house comments. Cameron stated that the development provides needed housing at the intersection of 2 higher order transportation corridors, in an area of current and future growth in Bowmanville. Cameron, and John Northcote, JD Engineering, and Greg Raspin, SRN Architects Inc. answered questions from Members of Committee.