That the delegation be extended for an additional 3 minutes.
Libby questioned if Council could arrange monitoring as many residents lost their wells and have flooded basements after precipitation.
Desmond Lightbody was present in opposition to the application. Desmond expressed concerns regarding the proposal encroaching on wetlands, wildlife, traffic congestion, and that the proposal exceeds the current zoning requirements. D. Lightbody stated that the proposal does not fit with the existing neighbourhood. Desmond added that the proposal should have two access points to relieve the traffic on Nash Road. D. Lightbody questioned if the housing is proposed for government dwellings and suggested that single-dwelling homes in a cul-de-sac or two-storey townhomes would be more fitting. Desmond answered questions from Members of Committee.
Victor DaSilva was present in opposition to the application. Victor expressed concerns regarding increased traffic, noise, accidents, and excess lights shining into their home. V. DaSilva stated that the proposed parking is not sufficient for the development. Victor noted that the proposal will affect wildlife and wetlands. V. DaSilva expressed concerns regarding the safety of children and suggested including an entry off Nash Road and an exit out onto Townline Road. V. DaSilva also suggested a stop sign be installed at the end of their house as they won't be able to get out of their driveway.
Grant Pollock was present to question if the forested area is protected by CLOCA and answered questions by Members of Committee.
Mark Ainsworth was present to question what percentage of the north area is protected by CLOCA. Mark expressed concerns regarding the wildlife, traffic, and speeding along Nash Road. M. Ainsworth questioned the type of housing outlined in the proposal. Mark suggested the proposal would be suitable as single dwellings. M. Ainsworth expressed concerns regarding the waterway and how it is affected and people trespassing into their backyard.
Rudy Weinberger was present in opposition to the application. Rudy expressed concerns regarding the number of units, overpopulated schools, traffic, and parking along Nash Road. R. Weinberger stated that the forest is a protected floodplain and that the storm runoff will lead to the proposed development. Rudy suggested protecting the greenspace, floodplain, and lowering the units/storeys.
Darlene Pritchard was present to express concerns regarding the protected land as they were denied erecting a shed on their property as it is protected by CLOCA. Darlene questioned how the proposal will affect the water flow, wildlife, and green space. D. Pritchard also questioned if there will be another access road and if the current homeowners will be offered a buyout of their properties.
Laurie Durnin was present to express concerns regarding groundwater and flooding of harmony creek, if there is an extension onto Townline Road. L. Durnin added that they are concerned about increased crime.
Khadija Nakhuda was present to express concerns regarding the number of storeys, privacy, wetlands, flooding, and the damage the proposal could do to their property.
Michael McNeil was present to express concerns regarding the watershed and increase traffic of construction vehicles on Nash Road.
Bisa Bogosavljevic was present in opposition to the application. Bisa expressed concerns regarding the number of dwellings, increase in residents, over-populated schools, increase in accidents, and crime.
Dave Meredith, Meredith Consulting Services, was present on behalf of the owners. Dave provided an overview of the location, noting that access onto Townline Road is not an option, the official plan designation, and the concept plan. D. Meredith explained the three-dimensional overview and that they matched the current grade along the northern property boundary. Dave added that the dwellings display as a 3-storey on the south side and the dwellings are for first-time home buyers or older adults to purchase or rent. D. Meredith also noted that the apartments are geared toward rentals with townhomes sold as independent units. Dave outlined the proposed zoning on the lands.
Lawson Gay was present on behalf of the owners. Lawson stated that the building is 4 storeys because of the grade. L. Gay explained that studies were done for the water flow and are meeting and exceeding the grade. Lawson stated that their first application included two access points but were asked to revise to 1 access point. L. Gay mentioned that there is lots of room for wildlife. Lawson and Dave answered questions from Members of Committee.